Love for Hazel Village
I've noticed a feverish new desire in Francesca for dressing up herself and her little dolls and animals these past few months. Elodie started this a bit earlier - around two and a half - and I love that now that Francesca, at four, is in this little world of play. It also sparks Elodie to be there in the same space with her. I think I always worried that Elodie would speed up Francesca and not let her be little in the same ways that Elodie was able to be little as a first born but now I see that the flip side is that Francesca pulls Elodie back into play (away from her pile of books) so easily.
The girls have had Hazel Village stuffed animals for a couple of years but I didn't know they had such fantastic little accessories or dress up for them. The girls love these their little animals and meticulously care for their dresses and hats. And Francesca even has a dress that matches. Such fun! Also, Elodie received a mouse for her birthday and it had a little monogrammed heart that said Elodie. The most thoughtful gift!
Afternoon Olive Oil Cake with Phoebe Fawn
I also love that they have little stories about the animals on their blog. I've let the girls look at them from time to time and it always inspires more play. Especially the story of the Reginald and Annicke getting ready for spring. Thank you for your inspiration and imagination Hazel Village!