

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

Early Riser Workshop at WMN Space - Monday May 8th 7-9 pm

Early Riser Workshop at WMN Space - Monday May 8th 7-9 pm


Let's make a circle, like the circle round the sun,

let's make a circle that includes everyone..."

When we gather in circle, we step out of our daily trance and into a sacred space of learning and sharing. 

Join me for Early Riser Workshop, a women's circle, on Monday May 8th from 7-9 pm at the beautiful WMN_Space in Culver City. 

As women and mothers, we are the healers and rhythm keepers for our families. We create a sanctuary for ourselves and our children by drawing a circle around our home. 

As we shift into this new consciousness, there is an opportunity to explore our identities in relation to our children AND other women. Whether you are at the beginning of your parenting journey or well along the way, we are all learning and growing alongside each other.  

Through song, experiential exercises and meditation, we will create our own daily and seasonal rhythms and rituals to awaken our hearts to the beauty of the every day. There is space for quiet and magic if we just let it in. 

RSVP here.

An afternoon tea party with fairlife

An afternoon tea party with fairlife

Kid Friendly Hikes in Sedona

Kid Friendly Hikes in Sedona