

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

a little yoga

a little yoga

a friend of mine, jennifer cohen harper, recently published a children's yoga book called

little flower yoga

. we met in new york city about 7 years ago when we were both getting certified to become yoga instructors. she had already founded little flower yoga and has put all of her passion and learning into this sweet little book.

i started taking elodie to a kid's yoga class about a year ago. i know how good i feel after a yoga class, why not share it with my girls?

elodie really loves it and always wants to show me her favorite poses. it's been so fun to work on setting a special space for her practice, introducing the idea of mindfulness and the importance of breath, as well as helping her learn new poses. this is a great starter guide for anyone looking to start a practice with their children. thank you jennifer for sharing your knowledge with us!

you are an open book

you are an open book

a snowy holiday

a snowy holiday