

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

Monday the 7th is the last day! Pre-order Early Riser Companion now

Monday the 7th is the last day! Pre-order Early Riser Companion now

I promise this is the last you will hear from me for a long while. For those of you who have ordered Early Riser Companion, a thank you from the bottom of my heart. For those who have been meaning to, there is still until 11 pm on Monday January 7th to order. As of now, Early Riser Companion will be a Limited Edition run meaning you and my stockists will have the only copies! I may save some for my workshops but who knows what the winds will bring!

Individual Medley, Mabo Salt Lake City, Midland, WMN Space, Shop Merci Milo, Neve and Hawk, East Coast General (in Byron Bay, Australia) and Field Study (in Canada) will be carrying Early Riser Companion in late Spring. So honored to be in these beautiful stores!

For those of you who have missed, Early Riser Companion is a RIE/Waldorf inspired family resource book for families of children 0-7 years old. It is a book for the new parent, a treasure for someone already along the parenting path, a spark of inspiration towards more growth and perspective. You can pre-order through Monday January 7th! Please consider sharing with a friend! 
Much love, Elizabeth

Three Days Left to Pre-Order Early Riser Companion

Three Days Left to Pre-Order Early Riser Companion