

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

Three Days Left to Pre-Order Early Riser Companion

Three Days Left to Pre-Order Early Riser Companion

Happy New Year! A little update on the Kickstarter pre-order for Early Riser Companion. We have exceeded our goal to self-publish Early Riser Companion. I am humbled by all those who have shared, left kind messages, and given encouragement this month. I would love to share a few words below that have deeply touched my heart. A big question I have been asked repeatedly is if it will be available for purchase after my initial run and my answer is I don’t know. I only plan on printing about 20% more than I have pre-orders for to have on hand at my workshops. I would love to encourage you to pre-order your copy now! And THANK YOU for supporting this labor of love. It is the last ten years of raising my girls and so much that I have shared here and in my workshops has been alchemized in the pages of Early Riser Companion. I hope you love it as much as I have loved creating it! Pre-order now!

And some recent articles about Early Riser Companion:

Taylor Sterling’s lovely new website

On Bossladies

On Of The Wolves


From Hillary Ha, mother of 5:

“In these last days as a mama of 4,

I’ve been reflecting quite a bit on motherhood.

Even though this ain’t my first time at the rodeo,

each time I become a mother again it’s just

as special, new, and unknown as if it was my

first time. Each baby brings its own light and energy,

and it’s own unique set of needs to be nourished.

The more kids you have, the busier life gets,

and it’s difficult to grasp those small moments-

the magical ones that remind you why

we’re doing all of this in the first place.

I’ve found myself wondering over the years how to

hang on to those moments more-

to find them, create them, honor them.

Apparently, I’m not the only one. My sweet,

beautiful friend Elizabeth Antonia had the talents

and vision to create a stunning companion guide

for this very thing - the Early Riser Companion.

I love when my mama tribe swoops in the with brilliant

gifts to share and make mothering easier and more fulfilling.

If you’re a mother or soon to be, I think you’ll

absolutely love it and I’d be so grateful if you contributed

to the beauty and magic that this creation

will bring to so many families and children.”

From Cora Neumann:

“As my younger friends are starting to get

pregnant and have babies, I am suddenly

surrounded by birth and the early years again!

It's such a magical time.

Elizabeth Antonia is one of the sweetest, most

grounded mothers I know, and has written a guide

to help women and parents everywhere transition

into their new roles.

I'll be gifting this to my community of new moms,

and encourage you to do the same!”

Jennifer Trianta:

I’ve always admired my beautiful friend Elizabeth Antonia’s natural gift of writing from the heart. She narrates stories drawn from personal experience in a unique way that is honest and relatable to all. Please support her efforts to self publish her first book- Early Riser Companion. Perfect for families with young children and those thinking of becoming parents ( and
Aussie friends she can ship it down under!) ☀️

Monday the 7th is the last day! Pre-order Early Riser Companion now

Monday the 7th is the last day! Pre-order Early Riser Companion now

Early Riser Companion - A Love Letter to You

Early Riser Companion - A Love Letter to You