

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

Learning your A-B-Cs

Learning your A-B-Cs

Francesca, who just turned four, has been so curious about her A-B-Cs. We haven't actively sat down to teach her them but one day she just started spelling out words and numbers on the signs around town. We were gifted these two lovely A-B-C books and she has spent a lot of time pouring over them.

She loves all of the natural items in A Beauty Collected by Rachel Garahan. We walk around the house after and point out other items that come from nature and that are made from wood, crystal, clay or any other natural materials.

Francesca has ready many Elsa Beskow books and so she loves this Alphabet book as it has scenes from many of her favorite stories. We also go through and identify which picture takes place in Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer.

So much to learn from little books with not many words. 

Yeah Field Trip!

Yeah Field Trip!

Let It Snow at Four Seasons Westlake Village

Let It Snow at Four Seasons Westlake Village