

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

almost three and a quarter

almost three and a quarter

it's been a while since i wrote to you my dear girl. i feel like i am always saying "this is my favorite age" and then all of a sudden you grab my face and say something that blows me away. this week i had the opportunity to tell a stranger about you and it really made me stop and think about who you are. you are kind, thoughtful, gentle and one of the most reflective people i've ever met. you have finally stumbled upon the genius of why? a way to learn so much about the world with one simple word. 

you ask, "why are you my mama? why you not D's mama (a boy at school)?" and i respond, "because you chose me as your mama before you were born" i know that might sound crazy to some but i really believe that you were meant for me and i was meant for you. it is not a mistake that you are here with us. 

at three and a quarter you love to do somersaults, ride a bike with training wheels, paint, bake and pretend to "run away from monsters." you adore your big girl bed, your two bears (blueberry and baby blueberry) and want to listen to the winnie the pooh soundtrack morning, noon, and night. 

you just started dance class a couple of weeks ago and have a fun time following your friend malena around but aren't that interested in actually doing any moves just yet. fine with me. it's a joy watching you gallop along and twirl around in your tutu. the ballet teacher asked all of you girls what your favorite color was and while most responded "sparkly rainbow gold" you said, "gray." i love that you are in your own world calling the shots. 

i'll admit, i'm trying to let go a little and let you choose your outfits (i am an art director after all) - it does get hard because you would wear the same polka dot dress and grey tights every day if you had your druthers. still, watching you dress yourself from head to toe with such confidence is such a treat. 

you this time last year (at two) 

two years ago (at 14 months)

and finally at 7 weeks old...

you were always there.

marfa blues

marfa blues

raising girls

raising girls