Hello Littlest readers!
I'm Kristina from Lovely Morning and 100 Layer Cake, and I'm psyched to be here today, while Elizabeth and Michael are enjoying the end of summer in Italy.
As a devout worshipper of fall, this sort of post is inevitable every year, even when it's 91 degrees at the beach in LA. But you guys, fall is coming. I can feel it in the morning and see it just the slightest bit in the light. It's the best feeling, knowing that squash and barhi dates and red wine are coming my way.

And I can't help but think ahead to what else fall will mean in a few years. I'm desperate for my baby to stay small forever, but as we all know that's probably not a realistic preoccupation. Instead I like to think about all the things I have to look forward to when he's just a little bit older.
Right now fall means that he probably won't get to eat watermelon every day, that he probably won't get to run around naked in the backyard all afternoon while I squirt him with the hose, it means the sun will go down way before his bedtime (which I imagine will be a teeny bit confusing at the start), it means he'll have to start wearing socks, and pants and even a sweatshirt (hopefully a little striped hat too). But other than that he'll be sadly unaware of how exciting fall can be.
I'm excited for when fall means pumpkin patches, costumes, school starting, early morning soccer games, making turkeys out of pine cones, art projects to give to grandparents for Christmas, baking, picking apples, apple cider... am I forgetting things? I'm sure I'm forgetting so many things.
I want to celebrate the seasons in one hundred different ways with my kiddos. It's such a special way to mark the rhythms of the year and I can't wait for all sorts of little projects to be part of our family festivities. And I think no season embodies the creative busy-ness that I thrive on like fall. Clearly my kids will be just as into it as I am.
But for now, I'm doing my best to love every minute I have with my 18 month old, even if he's not quite as excited as I am about this time of year. Luckily he's adorable so I can easily forgive him.
I'm sure some of you have favorite fall rituals in your family? Do share! We all love a little inspiration from other creative women around the internets.
I'm Kristina from Lovely Morning and 100 Layer Cake, and I'm psyched to be here today, while Elizabeth and Michael are enjoying the end of summer in Italy.
As a devout worshipper of fall, this sort of post is inevitable every year, even when it's 91 degrees at the beach in LA. But you guys, fall is coming. I can feel it in the morning and see it just the slightest bit in the light. It's the best feeling, knowing that squash and barhi dates and red wine are coming my way.

And I can't help but think ahead to what else fall will mean in a few years. I'm desperate for my baby to stay small forever, but as we all know that's probably not a realistic preoccupation. Instead I like to think about all the things I have to look forward to when he's just a little bit older.
Right now fall means that he probably won't get to eat watermelon every day, that he probably won't get to run around naked in the backyard all afternoon while I squirt him with the hose, it means the sun will go down way before his bedtime (which I imagine will be a teeny bit confusing at the start), it means he'll have to start wearing socks, and pants and even a sweatshirt (hopefully a little striped hat too). But other than that he'll be sadly unaware of how exciting fall can be.
I'm excited for when fall means pumpkin patches, costumes, school starting, early morning soccer games, making turkeys out of pine cones, art projects to give to grandparents for Christmas, baking, picking apples, apple cider... am I forgetting things? I'm sure I'm forgetting so many things.
I want to celebrate the seasons in one hundred different ways with my kiddos. It's such a special way to mark the rhythms of the year and I can't wait for all sorts of little projects to be part of our family festivities. And I think no season embodies the creative busy-ness that I thrive on like fall. Clearly my kids will be just as into it as I am.
But for now, I'm doing my best to love every minute I have with my 18 month old, even if he's not quite as excited as I am about this time of year. Luckily he's adorable so I can easily forgive him.
I'm sure some of you have favorite fall rituals in your family? Do share! We all love a little inspiration from other creative women around the internets.