

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

second trimester wellness

second trimester wellness

i'm coming up on 24 weeks pregnant and, as hectic as life is right now, i'm feeling pretty amazing. buying a home, raising a (sleepless) toddler, and working freelance are challenging my equanimity at the moment. here are some things that have helped keep me on an even keel.

1. exercise

it is no joke when they say that giving birth is like preparing for a marathon. it requires physical and mental strength. with elodie, i took tons of prenatal yoga classes, hiked four times a week, and swam a ton. this pregnancy? cut that regimen in half. i have been trying to make it to my regular yoga and spin class once or twice a week but when i can't break away, i walk. and walk. and walk. i am also (finally) starting pre-natal yoga and

aquatic fitness classes

. i took my first today and am thrilled with how i feel.

2. nutrition

i am starving all the time. if i go more than two hours without eating i get really cranky. i've made it a point to stock my car and bag with little bags of trail mix, apples, and plenty of water. i have also been making a lot of delicious salads at the beginning of the week so that i always have something nutritious on hand. it's so tempting to eat a donut, but i'm really, really trying not to. i am going to post soon about my favorite pregnancy foods, smoothies, and drinks. i have a lot of great ones!

3. skincare

dry skin brushing



(especially in the winter) have been one of my favorite pick me ups since i can remember. there are periods of time when i fall off, but nothing rejuvenates a swollen, lethargic feeling mama like a good morning brush, followed by a hot/cold shower (end on cold), and application of a favorite oil or lotion. i love coconut oil or


. i've been slathering it on after showers to keep the stretch marks at bay. trust me, i know that this is more a placebo as getting stretch marks is hereditary but so far, so good. i'm doing it just in case!

 4. decluttering the mind

i have been doing my best to carve out twenty minutes a day to sit in meditation. i have also created a schedule for when i'm "allowed" to be on




, or


. seriously, junk food is not good for your body and too much social media is not good for your mind. i find it ironic that i would try and make statements like "i don't let elodie to watch x, y, or z" and then i turn right around and pick up my iPhone. i'm really working on this one. it's hard!

this is a picture from my LAST pregnancy with elodie (at 7 1/2 months)..i have kept it close as it was a happy moment that helps me make good decisions in this pregnancy!

navel gazing. twenty four weeks.

navel gazing. twenty four weeks.

find the wonder

find the wonder