

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

snail mail

i was so, so late to the instagram game and am now slightly obsessed (understatement) with it - such a genius way to have a visual timeline of your days and weeks. so when whitney told me about the new postagram app i was downloading it before the phone call ended. what a great idea - in less than a minute you can choose your favorite photo from your regular iPhone library or from instagram, add a personal message and then send a card to your loved ones. the extra cool thing is that the photo is perforated so you can pop it out and put it on your fridge! i have to say i would pay a little extra to be able to choose matte vs. glossy and be able to select the fonts. currently the back of the postcard has this horrid 'comic sans'-esque for the address but that's probably just the nitpicky designer in me. either way, all my relatives can expect postcards in the mail soon! 

i could really use a...

one for me, one for her