

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

thank you (falettinme be mice elf agin)

this december has been full from beginning to end and every night, no matter how tired, i just want to stay up one minute longer to soak it in. i am thankful for all of the wonderful new friends i have made this year, for all my lifelong friends who shore me up and of course my sweet family. my one on-going resolution is to be present when i am with them and really listen (for those of you who know me, this is a challenge!).

and on that note, i have been told repeated times about dallas clayton's new book, an awesome book of thanks. one of elodie's little friends was sweet enough to get it for her birthday and we can't stop reading it. this is hands down the best book of the year.

and to that i say THANK YOU!

her birthday party!

merry christmas