

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

good morning one

good morning one

i can't believe one year ago we were just meeting you for the first time. it seems like you have been with us forever.

you are now officially walking about twenty steps (you started on 10/22) you walk like a little cowboy with your fingers pointing in the air and a really funny little grin as you make your way across the room. 

ah-boom pretty much means "give it to me now" and "water"

you say "boon" (balloon)




you love to dance to any music or song that i sing. you bend really low and start swaying. 

every night i read good night moon and you get so excited when you see my bring it out. 

you just climbed up on the couch for the first time so...uh-oh. looks like i'll be running the next year. let the fun begin! 

babes in the woods

babes in the woods

good night little baby...

good night little baby...