

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

ciao! happy birthday to me

ciao! happy birthday to me

today is my birthday. it's so hard to believe all that has happened this

past year

. we've bought a home, have baby two on the way, and have been around the world and back.

one year ago today michael and i landed in rome, italy. rome is one of my favorite cities on earth and i'm finally going through photos of our lovely time there. the sounds, smells, nature, cobble stone streets, and overwhelming amount of history has led me to return time and time again (this was my sixth trip!) each time i fall deeper in love. i've been limiting my time online lately as i have a lot of things competing for my attention but hope to attach a guide soon. for now, some


photos and i'm off to celebrate my birthday!

p.s. my sweet husband gave me an olive tree, a symbol of abundance and peace, for my birthday this year. such a beautiful memory of our travels together and of the life we are continuing to create.

31 weeks out to sea

31 weeks out to sea

the kissing hand

the kissing hand