

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

a life well edited

a life well edited

tomorrow we move into our

new house

. these past few weeks have left me heady with possibilities of how to decorate, what to redo once we move in, and what to leave behind. but it wasn't until i was faced with actually going through all my material possessions that things began to simplify.

i'm at a point in my life where i am ready to say goodbye to a lot of things. when we moved from new york we had movers just pack everything in boxes for us and left for europe the next day. when we moved to where we are now, elodie was fifteen months old and sorting was the last thing on my mind. somehow, knowing that this place is really ours makes me aware that i want only the most important, defining moments of my life to come with us. everything else needs to fall by the wayside.


 recently linked to a TED talk by

graham hill

, founder of funnily enough, i know graham. my husband and i used to stay at his teeny soho apartment whenever we visited new york (and lived in his house in seattle.) he is such an


person. i love seeing him on the forefront of these social issues, it just feels so authentic to who i know he is as a person. he also has more money than he knows what to do with and this is what he spends his time on. i deeply admire him.

i thankfully listened to this talk when we were still looking for a house. it helped validate our decision to buy a modest first home, one that would allow us to live within our means (i.e, not in an amazing school district or with a stellar view) that felt comfortable and happy. a house we can craft into a home, full of love, creativity, and fun.

during this move, i've tried to incorporate some of his ideas in order to save money, declutter my life, and to reduce our carbon footprint where possible. the most important concept?

edit ruthlessly.

it feels so good.

i've also had time to think about what i really enjoy about where we currently live. the pomegranate and hibiscus tree, the lush backyard, the way we live half of our time with the doors open and the fresh air coming in. i'm so excited to plant a garden, a tree, and sit in the grass and watch my children play.

28 weeks at the beach + ergobaby winner!

28 weeks at the beach + ergobaby winner!

on ice

on ice