

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

what's your dosha?

tonight i was texting with a friend of mine and i mentioned how my little one had the most epic tantrum in the history of ever. i almost 100% blame it on this crazy heat wave we are having. she then wrote, 'the heat really brings it out, especially for the little pitta babies which i think both of ours are.' a light went on for me because i hadn't thought of paying attention to her dosha. sure, heat will get anyone worked up but, in eastern philosophy, their is a belief that your mind-body makeup is actually a recipe and following it can help you walk through life with more ease. i was finally able to help her relax by getting her into a tepid bath and putting erik satie's gnossiennes number one on repeat.

in ayurveda, a dosha is your specific mind-body makeup. when your system gets out of whack, either physically, mentally or enviromentally you don't feel good. knowing your dosha and the things you can do to help get your body back into balance is an amazing thing. there is a more eloquent explanation here (where you can also find out your dosha).

i have noticed when i live my life according to the recipe that is suggested to a vata (i'm also a pitta) that i am much happier and more grounded. for some reason, probably sheer laziness, it really hadn't occurred to me to also think of elodie's and make changes based on that but i'm going to try it out!

i'm always interested in hearing the things that other mamas (and non-mamas) do to chill out. i went outside and stared at the moon for a good 20 minutes. that seemed to help tonight.

image here

the windy city

the adorable tea collection