

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

welcome mirth...

betsy, a teacher i so admire, just had a new little baby girl in march. she posted this lovely poem on her blog that i wanted to share.

we’ve all been waiting for you.
for you.
your arrival has been marked, has been recorded
on earth,
in the universe,
in the galaxies,
in all of space,
in all of time.
you come with a birthright, written in love and sung
through all creation in words which promise
that no matter where you’re at,
you’re home
that no matter who you’re with,
you’re welcome
that no matter who you are,
you’re loved.
~ rita ramsey

via betsy edelberg
image: wee textiles

since i cannot shut up about road trips ever

just shy of two and a half...