

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 


elodie has really been into 'playing puzzles' lately. this makes me happy as it is a good way to get on the ground and have some quiet play together. she has graduated from the wooden ones with the raised pegs to puzzles that have around 8 pieces. puzzles are so great for building eye-hand coordination, improving motor skills and developing shape recognition. she also loves this app which we've used as a special treat on long plane rides or when she's been out of the house too long.

here are a few we especially like:

the cutest giraffe puzzle

a narrow to wide puzzle

a vintage counting farm puzzle

it's a small world puzzle (cute!)

a dress up puzzle for when elodie's older

image: made by joel elephant puzzle


long haired child