today was elodie's first trip to a pumpkin patch.
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that isn't entirely true. elodie's real first trip to a pumpkin patch was just over a year ago with her cousins and auntie andrea in utah. cornbellies to be exact. except cornbellies also had fried twinkies, a haunted house, tetherball courts, potbelly pig races and a corn maze with speakers blaring david archuleta. it all goes down hill from there UNLESS you happen to be inside your mama's belly. then I think a pumpkin patch in the valley is a close second.
at any rate, papa, elodie and i got in the car and headed up the 101 to the next best thing to cornbellies.
we were waiting for our friends tim, amalia and elton to join us for some pumpkin fun so had some time to kill. our first stop was to the petting zoo where baby girl FREAKED over the little sheep. we then headed over to the big bales of hay and the tractor where we had a good photo op. the weather was perfect and a bit cool. so welcome after the crazy heat of the last couple of months.
tim and amalia showed up with the littlest gorilla elton! he was not feeling the pumpkin festival at first but then he got happy once his mama held him a little bit. we all went through the corn maze (we cheated and didn't finish it - don't tell) and then picked out a pumpkin. super fun and can't wait to carve the beauty!!

back up.
that isn't entirely true. elodie's real first trip to a pumpkin patch was just over a year ago with her cousins and auntie andrea in utah. cornbellies to be exact. except cornbellies also had fried twinkies, a haunted house, tetherball courts, potbelly pig races and a corn maze with speakers blaring david archuleta. it all goes down hill from there UNLESS you happen to be inside your mama's belly. then I think a pumpkin patch in the valley is a close second.
at any rate, papa, elodie and i got in the car and headed up the 101 to the next best thing to cornbellies.
we were waiting for our friends tim, amalia and elton to join us for some pumpkin fun so had some time to kill. our first stop was to the petting zoo where baby girl FREAKED over the little sheep. we then headed over to the big bales of hay and the tractor where we had a good photo op. the weather was perfect and a bit cool. so welcome after the crazy heat of the last couple of months.
tim and amalia showed up with the littlest gorilla elton! he was not feeling the pumpkin festival at first but then he got happy once his mama held him a little bit. we all went through the corn maze (we cheated and didn't finish it - don't tell) and then picked out a pumpkin. super fun and can't wait to carve the beauty!!