

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

The Renaissance Faire (oh boy!)

The Renaissance Faire (oh boy!)

This was my first year attempting to go to the Renaissance Faire in Los Angeles. In my mind I had an image of bawdy wenches and drunk people acting untoward and thought better of bringing the girls. But my friends go every year and post photos of some fun rides so I decided to brave it. The girls wanted to dress like princesses and, since Elodie has outgrown all of her dress up clothes (except her Harry Potter robes), she borrowed a dress of mine. We met our good friends and went exploring. I loved that everyone was dressed in period piece and formed different tableaus. The girls loved watching the artisans such as the glass blowers, the basket weavers, and the women spinning wool. Since they've both attended Waldorf inspired schools they were very into seeing this especially. Other big hits were the different plays that went on throughout the day, the gigantic plastic balls on water they tumbled around in, and a dance around the Maypole. We will probably brave it next year as well! 

YOU AMAZE ME - painting with Dallas Clayton

YOU AMAZE ME - painting with Dallas Clayton

Cabin Life in Park City

Cabin Life in Park City